Heyyyy, remember that May drought? It's over. We've had consistent rain all week and the weekend forecast is calling for an additional inch (or more!). If you venture out, be prepared to embrace the grease. Roots and rocks will be slick and you're likely to encounter wet sections. Pedal with caution and ride or walk through mud instead of around it.
Earlier in the season, after a hard rain, we sometimes encouraged folks to give the trails 24 hours to dry out or to avoid them all-together. Why the shift in messaging? We haven't seen freezing temperatures in a month or so, and thankfully for our gardens, we're beyond the freeze/thaw cycle. Because of this, the trails have had a chance to harden and stabilize, making them less prone to damage and better equipped to handle and shed water. And in addition to that, we're coming off of an extended period of dry weather. The rain was much needed and the trees and plants are happily drinking it up. Some other things to note: 1.) Registration for the 1000 Animals Social Athletic Club Ride CLOSES on Monday. Pre-registration is required. 2.) Early bird pricing for the Wilmington Mountain Bike Fest ends June 22nd. Don't miss it! Live music. Grilled cheese. BIKES. 3.) Trail season is here. We're putting those membership dollars right to work. Thanks to all who are renewing their support! And last thing - GOOD LUCK to all of the brave riders attempting the Over Easy this weekend in these traditionally spicy conditions. Get some!