The past week has been quite cold with intermittent light snow that has added to what we already had. Snow is still thin in some areas, but all the groomed centers are in full or nearly full operation, and most of the popular smoother backcountry skis are in good shape. Saturday through Tuesday will be warm with temperatures reaching 30 on Sunday, but then it slowly cools until the high on Thursday will be 10-15. Some more light snow possible this coming week, but no significant new snow. Overall, not much change from last week's report, and no need to update again until next week. You don't need this report to tell you what the day's temperature will be. JACKRABBIT TRAIL The McKenzie Pass Section: Now skiable from Whiteface Inn Lane, with most rocks are fully covered on the hill, and very good cover as one approaches the lean-to. The ski down toward the pond is possible, but caution would still be advised - especially as one approaches the bottom where the snow is not as deep. Enough snow now at McKenzie Pond Road that it's possible to ski right from the road. Very thin at the start under the thick trees and at a few points getting to the road at about the half-way point, but otherwise finally skiable. Old Mountain Road Section: Still a bit thin, but fully skiable. Paul Smiths Section: We now have reports that logging prevents a through ski from the VIC to Lake Clear. The section from the VIC to Rt. 86 has good cover and only a few trees down that can be gotten around or over. South of Rt. 86 it is good skiing for about 1.5 miles to where the logging starts and the skiing ends. Coming up from Lake Clear, the old trolley line under the power lines is skiable until one hits the active logging road. Other sections: Craig Wood to Lake Placid Club section is skiable, although the steeper hills near the Lake Placid Club could still be a problem. New section around Scotts Cobble has good cover from the golf course to Rt. 73, and the connections to Cascade Welcome Center are also skiable. GROOMED CENTERS ADK CASCADE WELCOME CENTER (PREVIOUSLY: CASCADE CROSS-COUNTRY SKI CENTER) 518-837-5047 Km Open and Groomed: 15 Track Set: 15 New snow: Packed Base Depth: 5-7" Off Track: 12" New Snow last 72 hours: Surface Conditions: Packed powder on hardpack. Remarks: All trails open. Night skiing this Friday, 1/24 SCOTTS COBBLE NORDIC CENTER 10 km of groomed trails on Craig Wood Golf Course - rentals, lessons operated by High Peaks Cyclery. Trail fee of $15/day - $10/half-day. Residents of the Tri-Lakes area ski for free (Donations appreciated) 518-523-9811 or 518-523-3742 KM Open and Groomed: 10 Track Set: 10k New snow: Packed Base Depth: 4" Off track: 8" New snow past 72 hours: Surface conditions: Packed powder Remarks: MOUNT VAN HOEVENBERG: 518-523-2811 Km Open and Groomed: 45 Track Set: 25 km New snow: Packed Base Depth: 5-7" on Legacy trails Off track: 10" New snow past 72 hours: Surface Conditions: Packed powder. Remarks: Set track on most of the Legacy trails on south side (a.k.a. cross-country side). Most trails on the north side (a.k.a. biathlon side) also open but only some random track set. Porter Mt. Loops only have set track as far as junction at the base of the first climb. Apparently, damage done by vehicular access for trail construction las summer was never repaired, requiring more snow to be able to set track all the way around those loops. PAUL SMITH'S VISITOR INTERPRETIVE CENTER: 518-327-6241 Km Groomed and Open: 45 km Track Set: 25 New Snow: Packed Base Depth: 7-9" Off track: 12" New snow past 72 hours: Surface Conditions: Packed powder. Remarks: Set track on the wider trails where the Pisten-Bully can be used. Other narrower trails open but not all have been packed. DEWEY MOUNTAIN: 518-891-2697 Km Open: 5 Track set: none New Snow: Packed Base Depth: 2-3" Off Track: New snow past 72 hours: Surface Conditions: Packed powder Remarks: Lower mountain trails open on thin cover. Upper trails still closed. TUPPER LAKE X-C SKI TRAILS 518-359-8370 Km Open: 10 Track set: 10 New Snow: Base Depth: Off track: New snow past 72 hours: Surface Conditions: Packed powder Remarks: No specifics on snowfall or overall snow depth, but the photos online indicate this remains the best groomed skiing in the area. A Tour de Ski race on Saturday morning, 1/25 will require skiers to share the trail with racers. Race will be over by noon. BACKCOUNTRY CONDITIONS Still not true mid-winter conditions, so caution still advised on any hills as not all hazards are 'guaranteed' to be fully covered. Wednesday 1/22, report from Lake Colden says the snow depth at the cabin is unchanged from last week's 26". Whiteface Highway: As has been the case for nearly a month, the highway is fully covered, but many sections may be narrow or bare given the high winds. Connery Pond to Whiteface Landing: Now skiable. Some rocks on either side of the initial hill, but good after that. Alternatively, the ice should be safe to cross, thereby avoiding that initial hill. Marcy Dam, Truck Trail: Skiable with most, but not all, rocks covered. Meadows Lane now blocked off for the winter. Park on the left to leave room for ranger vehicles with snowmobile trailers in the event of an emergency. Fish Pond Truck Trail: Very skiable all the way to Fish Pond. Lake ice should be safe after the cold weather this past weekend, but slush may be an issue for the alternate return. Hays Brook Truck Trail: Definitely skiable to both the Sheep Meadow and Grass Pond. Parking lot now being plowed, We can hope that continues. Newcomb Lake Road: As usual, the best skiing. The side road to Moose Pond also has good cover with only minor and easily circumvented blowdown reported. Gulf Brook Road to Boreas Ponds: Good coverage. Initially, North Hudson said they had no intention of plowing any parking at Gulf Brook, but as of Saturday, 1/11, there was still parking for a few cars at the base of the hill. No report whether the plowing has continued, although not that much new snow since 1/11. Parking on the shoulder is legal, just not all that desirable. Avalanche Pass: Skiable past Marcy Dam, but still with a few rocks to dodge as far as Avalanche Camp. With all the new snow, the pass is now in good shape. Lake Colden now has 26" of snow. Avalanche Lake and Lake Colden are crossable. Caution is always advised near the outlet to Avalanche Lake. If in doubt, take to the trail on the west side about 50 yards before the outlet and cross on the bridge. Ausable Lake Road: With the new snow, now just barely skiable, but the area is still the "donut hole" as far as snowfall, so not the best choice for the weekend. Wright Peak Ski Trail: Skiable after it diverges from the hiking trail, but very rough getting from the point where one joins the hiking trail to where the ski trail diverges. Mt. Marcy Ski Trail: A current report says not really skiable until the ski trail junction above 50-meter bridge and then many blowdowns from there to Indian Falls. Above Indian Falls, plenty of snow, but a snowshoe trench to deal with.
1/27/2025 07:42:28 pm
Skied Jenkins Mt Sunday Excellent conditions. The Vic in general has a ton of snow. Skied Wights Peak today The hiking trail was bony as usual The ski trail is perfect. At least 3 ft at the top..
Frank Krueger
1/28/2025 09:15:14 am
Skied the new section of the Jackrabbit on Sunday. Parked at Cascade, went out the old trail towards Old Mountain Rd, to the new trail and back to Cascade. The condition of the trail is marginal, with a lot of dips and uneven surfaces. The hill on the golf course side is steep and rarrow and was skied off. Was very challenging. Would recommend that it be widened for safety. Also, there is a small balsam down on the south end of the old trail close to the highway. I also don't like the fact that you have to ski just inside the highway gard rail at the beginning of the new trail on the Old Mountain Rd end. The snow is full of road salt, stone and rocks from the snow plows. Also need better marking on the golf course side to get back to the old trail back to Cascade.
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02/07-02/09: Mountainfest hosted by The Mountaineer 02/15: Avalanche Pass & Lake Colden Ski Tour 03/08: Social at the Monday-Tuesday Grill Trail Conditions 101Trail condition reports are posted frequently during the ski season. The Adirondack backcountry can be a hard place to predict with weather and trail conditions that often change rapidly. We can't offer the same detailed descriptions of trail conditions as groomed nordic centers. Archives
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