Be safe. Be seen. Wear blaze orange (and your little dog, too!) BETA encourages mountain bikers and other trail users to be courteous and respectful of all hunters you meet in the woods or in the parking lot this hunting season (modern rifle season is Oct 26th through Dec 8th). Remember that hunting is a traditional and popular activity on public and private lands in the Adirondacks. Hunting license revenue supports fish and wildlife conservation with millions of dollars annually. Many of our fellow mountain bikers and skiers are hunting this time of year, too.
Wear that blaze orange, friends – dress your pup in orange, too. Consider avoiding riding at dawn or dusk which is prime hunting time, especially during deer season. Above all, use common sense and respect other users and the Forest Preserve lands we share. PS -- Thanks, Jamie, for a wicked picture showcasing how fun wearing blaze orange can be. We might not have QUITE as much snow as this picture just yet...but it's coming. Be safe, be seen, ride another day. Have an awesome time out there, folks! Comments are closed.
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